Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Symptoms: Body Temperature The thyroid affects regulation of body temperature, so those with hypothyroidism often report feeling cold. In contrast, people with hyperthyroidism tend to have excessive sweating and an aversion to heat. • Like our facebook page for increase awarness about Thyroid Disorders • Visite Our Website : www.thyroid.net.in • Email : drriteshagrawal@rediffmail.com • Call : 7666022022 #thyroid #thyroidnodule #thyroidcancer #thyroidproblem #thyroidclinic #riteshagrawal #thyroidspecialist #mumbai #thyroidcenter #thyroidsupport #ThyroidTreatments Sign and symptoms of thyroid cancer, Thyroid throat cancer, Thyroid Tumors, Thyroid carcinoma, Thyroid cancer surgery, Thyroid cancer stories, Thyroid cancer types, Thyroid cancer staging, Thyroid Treatments, Thyroid Disease Treatment, Medicine Thyroid, Thyroid Nodule Natural Treatment, Thyroid Nodule Alternative Treatment, Thyroid nodules icd 10, Thyroid nod...